Posts Tagged ‘Eleven Eleven’

When I first came to search the internet for the term “11:11”, there were several web sites I visited. It is my intention to review these sites for our readers so that they can see for themselves who is telling the the truth, the half truth, or nothing like the truth. If they don’t measure up to the TRUTH of GOD’S Word, then we will expose their words, thoughts, suggestions and commandments as LIES!

One of the first websites Google took us to was “SoulCast – The Meaning of 11:11 – Universal Laws – Spiritual Laws”.  (The preview says 404, but click the link anyway – it does work)…-Universal-laws…-Spiritual-Laws…#

Alex Leonard describes himself as a “lightworker”: formerly a “shadow of light” – and he goes by the moniker “Shiva Tali”.

Mr. Leonard, a.k.a. ShivaTali, stated the following for those who landed on his page in search of “11:11” answers (which I share according to the doctrine of “fair use”):

“During the last couple of years the numbers 11:11 have been catching my attention and others on all kinds of digital clocks; home, at work, on my computer, morning and evening, and I’m sure you have wondered as I’ve wondered what is going on? Why are these numbers appearing to us? I’ve shared these occurrences with friends. One sent me a post that 11:11 represents 11 = Universal Laws and the second 11 represents Spiritual laws of the Universe. Laws, that light- workers (If you are experiencing this phenominon, than you are a light worker, moving from the shadows to the light), are to embrace and use with one another.” [spelling unedited]

So far, Mr. Leonard has stated an experience that we have in common – seeing the numbers 11:11 on digital clocks everywhere, and morning and nighttime. We are in agreement that we wonder what it all means. However, that is where the agreement ends. Mr. Leonard wishes us to believe that:

“The 11:11 is the bridge To an entirely different spiral of evolution. The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago.”

We are also to believe that:

“11:11 is ‘a crack between worlds'” and a “pre-encoded trigger”.

Some really important questions arise:

  • What is 11:11, really?
  • Who “pre-encoded” the “trigger” into us?
  • How was it done?
  • Who set off the “trigger”?
  • What do we do with it now?
  • Do we have any say in this matter?

Based on the content of Mr. Leonard’s blurbs about 11:11 and Ms. Key’s posts where she holds forth on the mysteries of the universe (see below), we find that “The Universe” did all of this to us, because it recognizes us as “Lightworkers” and wants us to wake up now and start working. Apparently Mr. Leonard and Ms. Key (the self-styled “KeyMaster”) feel that they have the answers and have no compunction about ordering the newly awakened lightworkers to embrace the Spiritual Laws and Universal Laws, use them, and embrace other lightworkers with them.  They have no doubt when they tell you that you are to do thus and such, because they have identified what you are.

Just what those Universal Laws and Spiritual Laws are, Mr. Leonard never really reveals. It is apparently assumed that those who come to the site will be people who have seen 11:11 in various and multitudes of places and will be, therefore,  lightworkers who will already know that no matter what path they follow (except that of a true disciples of Christ), they are “okay”. The comment section, which as of this writing contains 715 posts, bears up this conclusion as fact.

After reading the wild surmising of Mr. Leonard in the blog, then I read about two and a half years’ worth of comments that contained bickering, slandering, backbiting, and so-called spiritual guidance from the “KeyMaster” (Ms. Key).  It was hard to pick out just a few items to share here, but the following post from last year is a good indication of the error of SoulCast’s teaching [my comments in brackets and bold]:

Keymaster1122 said on Apr 03, 2009….

General Jones…so good to hear from you and share in your adventures.  Wonderful work. I too have missed you.

Rain, [this is to a person called Rainwolf] you are awesome of course.  I do feel that this is indeed pastlife, and yes, they would be in this life too.  We are only made aware of past lives if we have something to complete [Ms. Key is very much a believer in Reincarnation and Karma].

I am loving your idea to blend together with a specific goal [Wait, didn’t the Universe trigger us for its own purposes? How, then, do we choose our own goals?]. We are indeed a special group as Jones says…..what could we do as a group to change our world?  What an exciting thought!

Sunray, your light does indeed shine bright. : )

Remember the IG song Galileo…

How long till my soul gets it right?
Can any human being ever reach that kind of light?

I think it possible, in fact, I think that is what 11:11 is all about.  Our souls get it right, and things change.  Our vibrations and the earth’s vibration changes into a different reality.  Maybe like Don Juan, or characters in The Celestine Prophesy.  Maybe like something we have never thought of before.

I also think that we are entering a Golden Age that will last a thousand years [The Millenium is the thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth before the judgment of the dead. Ms. Key may be a recovered Baptist, but she doesn’t mind borrowing ideas from the Bible in order to promote herself].  A new renaissance.

I am watching you all reach into untapped potential that no one ever told you about [And Ms. Key knows this how? She seems to enjoy giving the impression that she has her information straight from the Source, and she apparently feels qualified to speak to each person with authority about his or her life. For the one who takes her advice instead of seeking God’s will, what a potential for disaster!].  Go for it, my experience is that if you think you can do it, you can.  No matter how far-fetched.  I once healed an energy problem with the image of bubble gum, and it has held for about 3 years.  It isn’t as pink as when I first did it, but I can pink it up any time.  Use your instincts powerfully.  Use communication and energy in a powerful way.

Strengthen yourselves by pulling in the white energy (Love of God) [What God? If we are all God, then do we just start sucking energy out of each other?] and golden (healing) energy through the crown chakra, down the truck, out the limbs, and down to the core of the earth.  Hook on good, then bring it back up and out your sub-chakras in the palm of your hand.  Fill the area around you with the light.  You will feel great, it will clear and vitalize you.  Use this method for healing others as well, remembering always only to pour out energy, never pull in. [Ms. Key started this paragraph saying to pull in white energy, then she ends the paragraph by saying never pull in energy. Which is it, Ms. Key?] Combined with massage is fabulous.

I have done much karmic repair work in this lifetime, 3 husbands, 3 children, my mother, my father.  It is a requirement to reach full power…lightbodies.  The Hybrid Elohim, human angels. [REALLY BIG CLUE TO THE SOURCE OF MS. KEY’S ERROR! The “Hybrid Elohim” were not “human angels” – they were the ben elohim – sons of God (angels) who mated with the bath adam – daughters of men (women), and created a race of giants. Read Genesis  6:1-8. ELOHIM IS GOD ONLY! The error in this is so important to understand because the Dragon bloodline (the Serpent’s seed) is the Nephalim – Ms. Key’s so-called Hybrid Elohim, and they were first destroyed in the Flood in order to preserve the ONE clean and pure bloodline in Noah. Later, the Nephalim (offspring of angels and human women) were found in Canaan and some of the more famous ones were the Philistines, like Goliath of Gath, whom David slew. This kind of error leads people to wrong conclusions, and it is irresponsible of Ms. Key to call “good” something that God Himself called an abomination and damned.] You know I am either nuts or on to something.  Or both.  And the stories are wonderful.

How many of you are cognitively on the Ascension Path?

In service to you, I remain


Now, Keymaster is what she describes as a recovered Baptist. She clearly states that she is not a Christian any longer. In fact, if you take the couple of hours to wade through all the comments on that page, you can see that Ms. Key obviously feels she is in a place to:

  1. Knock Christians (she does this quite vehemently), but freely welcome pagans, shamans and other earth religious types
  2. Replace the truth of Jesus Christ with the lie of “Christ Consciousness”
  3. Tell others what to believe about their own experience (something she was against in the church she left)
  4. Speak down to others from her apparent lofty height as she holds court in Mr. Leonard’s forum
  5. Teach New Age doctrines of reincarnation, astral travel, aligning chakras, aroma-therapy, and other methods of what she and others call “Light Work”.

What is most amazing is the fact that these people who interact on this forum seem to be cowed down by Ms. Key, and they bow to her heavy sense of self-importance as the topic becomes less about what 11:11 means, and more a course of instruction in New Age religion.! I also noticed that the group did try to converse with one Christian who came to the forum (MindMansion), and there were big disconnects on both sides of the discussion. It seemed that both sides were so intent on proving a point to each other that the few times the white flag went up, it went unnoticed. It is sad.

What can we infer from Mr. Leonard and Ms. Key’s thoughts on the subject of 11:11? That’s subjective, and each one who reads may find a different point to comment on. We hope you will; we’ve provided the link to the article so that you can decide for yourself, After you’ve read it, if you choose to, you may comment.

We can infer a lot from what they do NOT include in their rather weak explanation of the 11:11 phenomenon – which is Adonai God’s point of view – and we see that they have simply used their website as a spider web to trap unsuspecting visitors and persuade them to their New Age explanation for a real-time experience (pardon the pun).

Our wish is not to beat up anyone. But we believe in the saying, “Let God be true and every man a liar”. If someone is adamantly teaching untruth, then we feel it is our duty to bring it to the light so we can discover what the real truth is.

How might we do better?