Archive for the ‘End of the Age’ Category

11:11 – It’s Coming

Posted: January 20, 2011 by ElevenElevenTruth in 11:11, End of the Age, Tribulation & End Times
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The eleventh hour will come.

The eleventh day of the eleventh month in 2011 will come.

11:11 o’clock will happen twice for those who use a twelve-hour clock. It will happen once for those who go by military time; it will happen on 11/11/11.

Superstitious behavior is rampant right now, and people seem to revel in it. Every year people get excited. In 2008 it was on 8/8/08. In 2009 it was on 9/9/09. Those into numerology especially expected things to happen on these “auspicious” days. There were those who even watched 10/10/10, 1/1/2011 and 1/11/11.

Considering the fact that even a stopped clock is right twice a day, we should ask the question: is there something to the 11:11 phenomenon?

Funny creatures that we are, we are stuck in the paradigm of TIME. God exists outside of time, and we, His creatures, are locked in time. Time has an effect on us all, and God utilizes time to work His will in our lives. The entire creation is right on time, as a matter of fact.

We are so interested in knowing the future that we spend our “now” looking into what may happen while what is happening goes by unnoticed. This is a foolish way to live our lives.

The time will come for Jesus to return to the earth. He will come as a conquering King the next time He comes. He will set things right, and those who yearn for and love His appearing will be glad to submit to His rule.

Jesus said of His return: “No man knows the hour or the day except my Father in Heaven”. People have been trying to predict the end of the world ever since Jesus spoke these words. No matter how much time has passed, we mustn’t fool ourselves into thinking that:

a. We can predict the day or the hour, or

b. We can’t have any idea of the season of His return.

Either extreme is dangerous to our spiritual health. If we are not asking God to help us to discern the times we are in, we are foolish, for it is HE who set the sun and the moon and the stars in their courses. They were not created for our worship, but for HIS glory.

11:11 will come and go. But Jesus will come as a thief in the night for those who are not prepared.

Are you ready?


So you think 11:11 is a special number, and that it is being whispered in your ear by loving gods or angel spirits?

Think again!

According to the Mayan calendar, the world will end at 11:11 p.m. on December 21, 2012.

Let’s do the math, numerology style, since so many of you are into that.

11:11 = 4

December = 12(th month)

So, the date 12/21/2012 plus the time 11:11, would be computed as follows:

12 + 21 + 2012 + 11:11 =3156 = 15


3 + 3 + 5 + 4 = 15

15 = 6 – the number of man.

666 is the number of the Beast of Revelation.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Seeing prime numbers all over the place? So are we. But they aren’t messages from ascended masters, as the demons wish you to believe. They are a warning that the end of this Age is coming soon. The demons are mocking you by suggesting that you are hearing from spirit guides or spirit guardians. They got the “spirit” part right, but they are misleading you.

Does anyone have the intellectual integrity to even attempt to investigate whether we might be telling you the truth?