Posts Tagged ‘sin’

Alex Jones had an interesting article Entitled, “The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial” which you can find here:

We have always said, and still maintain, that just because people may entertain conspiracy “theories”, it does not automatically follow that there are not conspiracies in fact! One of the ways the princes, movers and shakers keep this world under Satan’s control is to bait and switch. There are conspiracies too numerous to name, and they are not all theories.

According to Alex Jones:

“Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer attempts to offset the overwhelmingly critical response to his attack on Alex Jones by characterizing skepticism of authority in the context of vaccines and mass medication as a psychological dysfunction, despite the history of government-funded medical research in the United States is replete with examples of scientific abuse against unwitting victims.”

It is interesting to note that as long as we use the term “they” – the UBIQUITOUS “THEY or THEM”, whom we do not know, but can safely cite without fear of reprisal – we are not suspected of being paranoid conspiracy nuts.

But if we put a name to “Them”, and recite dates, times, actions and outcomes as fact, suddenly we have put on the skin of a conspiracy “theorist”, and we are no longer credible.

It is our opinion that FEAR causes us to feel more comfortable when the facts are fuzzy and the names are changed to protect the guilty. This way we don’t have to worry about reprisals.

The World has co-opted the word “Conspiracy”, and instead of its original definition (see below), it has become a synonym for LIE, reflective of the one using the word to describe an action or the participants in the action, and not the subject(s) of an investigation.

This same double-speak is what the World does in order to make abortion okay. It substitutes the word BABY for at least three separate scientific terms:  ZYGOTE (when the sperm and egg first unite at conception, when life first begins in the womb),  EMBRYO (a baby’s early development in the womb) and FETUS (after the Embryo stage, any time up until abortion or birth). While it is horrifying to kill a BABY, few would blink an eye at the surgical removal of a ZYGOTE, EMBRYO or FETUS if it posed an inconvenience to the host (MOTHER).

The pressure to ignore or condone SIN in the world is great, and our fear of being POLITICALLY INCORRECT is even greater. We learned the term PEER PRESSURE in college, not realizing that we were being BAPTIZED into a culture that is constantly pressuring us to conform! Like the Sheople the World hopes we will become, we bow our heads, eat our toxic soup, graze on GMO grains, take our mercury-filled immunizations and remain quiet. Good Sheople don’t ask questions. Good Sheople don’t rock the boat or make waves. Good Sheople accept the DOOM that has been mapped out for them because it is POLITICALLY INCORRECT to ask questions or say NO!

We believe it would be highly beneficial for all who fear to use controversial words, if they took some time and stood in front of a mirror and practiced the words of CONSPIRACY THEORY and POLITICAL INCORRECTNESS.

Here is a list of words and phrases that may feel awkward as they come out of your mouth, but as you speak them and watch yourself saying them, begin to think about what they really mean. Think about how you REALLY feel when you SAY them OUT LOUD. Then think about how you REALLY feel about the concepts that surround these words and phrases.  This could be a break-through moment – a flash of recognition (RE-COGNITION) to counter the cognitive dissonance that has permeated our society.









The Bible




The Great Tribulation


The Holy Spirit

The Blood Of Jesus

God the Father

Identifying your feelings is the first step. Identifying pre-packaged thought that has been delivered to you in exact, round-the-clock doses through your television set and movie theaters may be a bit more difficult. Stop and ask yourself WHY you have “that” idea. How did you come to that opinion of the Bible? Of God? Of Hell or Heaven? Why do you think Abortion is “a matter of choice” and only involves the female host and therefore remains her domain exclusively? Why do you think nothing of the wide-spread graphic violence and death you see on television? Do you think you would feel the same way about violence, murder, and other horrors if you were to see them happen in front of your eyes, say, on your way to Wal-Mart? Would you feel the same if you were the one being “punked” or beaten up?

Desensitization is a tool of the enemy to get us to accept things that we would not normally accept. Through the medium of television and certain movies, we are taught to accept and expect violence, bloodshed and murder, alien abduction and experimentation, cataclysmic events against which we have no hope, and the idea that we must take the law into our own hands if we want things to work out right.

What is truly breathtaking is the realization that some of what Hollywood glamorizes for us will get us jailed, exiled or executed. Put that together with the tenets of the Georgia Guidestones, and we realize that there is truly a group of elite people (legends in their own eyes), who hope that you will go out and do exactly what Hollywood is telling you to do so there will be fewer people walking around and leaving carbon footprints! In fact, Hollywood is the PROPAGANDA ARM OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, and they have long been preparing us for certain types of events.

Here are just a few of those events:

UFO abduction & experimentation

Bad aliens landing on earth and starting a war with humans

Good aliens coming to the rescue of humans

Aliens, whom we are to believe actually “seeded” us here, return to take us off this dying planet just in the nick of time. (Variations on the theme – aliens wake the children up and take the select new little Adams and Eves to new worlds where they start over under the benevolent tutelage of their messianic rescuers)

Invasion of terrorists, and all-out war, causing a savior to rise up and stop war, bring peace and a New World Order.

Archaeologists finding “evidence” that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they produced a son, and a Merovingian bloodline that has been passed down to this day and time (the elite really love this one, because it justifies their closely in-bred, familial death-grip on their respective thrones and offices).

Seen enough for now? What will you do with the information?

We hope you will start thinking about the ideas and ideals that are pumped into your brain in various ways each and every day. Maybe you would like to add your own examples in the comment section below. Maybe you just need to take some time to rearrange your automatic mental responses and find out where your heart and mind are not in “synch”.

A good way to start would be to pray to God and ask Him for clarity and wisdom. These are gifts He loves to give His children. If you ask Him for understanding, to reveal to you your very own contradictions of heart and mind, He will do that.


Therefore, if you find that you have been experiencing cognitive dissonance, you can REPENT as you pray for clarity. God will help you bring your heart and mind into union. Then pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, to forgive any actions you have committed while in a state of SIN (missing the mark accidentally or out of ignorance) and TRANSGRESSION (willful disobedience to what you know is right), and ask Him to cover you with the Blood He shed for the remission of your sin and transgression. Then ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into truth, so that your outside (speech and actions) match your inside (the condition of your heart and how you really feel about things).

Abba (Father) God longs to pull you close and teach you about yourself. We hope you will allow Him that opportunity.


Definitions of conspiracy on the Web:

  • a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act
  • a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
  • a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose